How to Choose a Conversion-Focused Sales Page Template

Web Design

As a small business owner, you know the importance of having a magnetic online presence. And of courseā€¦ A critical element of this is your sales page! 

A well-designed sales page template can mean the difference between a visitor casually browsing your site and a potential customer making a purchase. 

It’s not just about looking pretty (lots of pages are pretty but ineffective); it’s about understanding your audience needs and challenges and implementing a strategy that addresses these areas.

Identifying Common Mistakes: Understanding Why Most Website Sales Templates Lack Key Areas

When choosing a sales page template, it’s easy to make mistakes. And I get it, how do you even choose?

Many templates on the market lack key areas that are essential to conversion.

Let me put on my CRO (conversion rate optimization) hat on and go a bit into detail so you can avoid these mistakes.

Simple things like not providing enough space for comprehensive offer descriptions, or they may not include features like customer testimonials or FAQs that can help build trust and overcome objections. 

Remember the main goal is to get them to checkout, aka the ultimate ā€œyes I trust you!ā€

The Aesthetic Trap: Why a Pretty Website Template Isn’t Always Conversion-Focused

It’s easy to fall into the aesthetic trap. A template may be visually appealing, but if it doesn’t align with your brand or support your marketing goals, it won’t serve your business efficiently. 

A conversion-focused sales page template should not only be attractive but also functional, easy to navigate, and strategically designed to guide the visitor toward making a purchase.

So that is going to be your first big thing to look for: Does this sales page template have enough sections that I might need now?

With Showit templates for example any extra sections you donā€™t immediately want to put to use can be turned off and back on whenever you need it (because Iā€™m a Showit designer Iā€™ll lean here but it applies to any platform).

Sometimes you have to sit a bit longer with a template because the looks/aesthetics might be perfectly on point but if it has zero way for you to actually implement it with your brand, without losing what made it great, and guiding you to where and how to position your offerā€¦ thatā€™s another red flag to avoid!

I see this time and time againā€¦ from different angles when a client comes with a template they purchased and we have to customize it (and sometimes they are frustrated because itā€™s been live and its just not converting) or when I mentor other designers…

Sometimes it just has some cool fonts, pretty animations, nice imagesā€¦ and no way to really sell your offer, not only the example offer that came with the template. 

Thatā€™s a hard pill to swallow.

Because the pretty template showed you how good it could sellā€¦ maybe a course? A coaching program? A digital product?

But is it built with sections and prompts for you to fill it about your offer?

Crafting Your Message: How to Showcase Your Offer in the Best Light

The key to a successful sales page is a compelling message.

Not gonna lie, that statement usually gets me audible gasps when I say it out loud.

You probably expected me to focus on the ā€œdesignā€ aspects of the templateā€¦

But the very first thing that will determine the success of your offerā€™s sales with a new sales page template, regardless of whether itā€™s for Showit or any other platform, will always be how itā€™s positioning your message!

Design should enhance and support your message. 

Always. No questions asked.

It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a template or a custom site, that is a golden rule to ensure you have the best advantage, so in this case, be ruthless when it comes to selecting a template.

Pay a bit more attention to the way the copy is set in there, see if it has any indication that thereā€™s copy guidance to know it will help you as you customize it and build the best version for your offer.

Basically, your sales page template should provide the framework to showcase your offer in the best light. 

Think about the pain points your product or service addresses and how it provides a solution. Be clear, concise, and persuasive, and make sure your template supports this message with a clear call to action.

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Conversion 101: Unpacking the Essentials for a High-Converting Sales Page

Stepping back a bit, letā€™s go over the foundation: what makes a sales page template high-converting? 

It’s a combination of factors: 

  • a strong headline that grabs attention and delivers the offer promise clear and concise
  • it has a compelling copy that speaks to the visitor’s needs and desires
  • It has clear calls to action
  • It includes trust-building elements like testimonials and guarantees. 

A conversion-focused sales page template will incorporate all these elements in a cohesive and intuitive layout. 

Remember you are guiding your audience. Whether they are cold (aka new to you, never heard of the offer, or similar), or even if they are warm and need a little more nurturing to take the plunge and buy.

No Second Guessing: The Path to a Conversion-Focused Sales Page with Tisane

Choosing a conversion-focused sales page template may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! You can go at it checklist-style and make sure it complies with the key basics to make sure you are set on the right path.

By understanding your business needs and challenges, avoiding common mistakes, and focusing on crafting a compelling message, you can create a sales page that converts visitors into customers. 

And with the right support ā€“ like having a template built by a strategy-led designer ā€“ you can overcome any obstacles right from the get-go and grow your sales.

Tisane is a 7-page sales page Showit template ready to help you! And she actually comes with some great stats, aka proven conversion at above market averages. 

I have a little showcase of a customer who used Tisane to sell her offer and saw the conversion rate soared to 10.32%, surpassing the industry’s average benchmark.

Remember, your sales page is a powerful tool that can help you stand out in your market and grow your business. 

So choose wisely, and watch your online presence flourish.

If youā€™re a coach or a creative entrepreneur, you need more than just a beautiful design. You need a sales page template that converts!

Learn more about Tisane.

filed under:

Business, Conversion Optimization, Web Design


I'm Ingrid, welcome!  I'm a branding designer + Showit Design Partner, doggy mamma, and tea drinker.

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Ready to turn your website into a powerhouse lead generator even on a saturated market? 

My free guide, "5 High Converting Website Tricks", gives you key strategies to create a website that showcases your brand, attracts your ideal clients, and is ready to convert them into paying customers. 

Download now for free!

Hi Iā€™m Ingrid

I design strategy-led brands and Showit websites that confidently represent you.

Iā€™m a designer with a magic touch for monetizing websites. Iā€™m also a tea-lover, dog momma, Ravenclaw, INFP and 2w3 (for all you personality-test nerds like me). 

Iā€™ve also been called a Showit website expert (been with them since 2013), and a sucker for understanding customer journeys, brand psychology, and consumer and sales psychology. My clients have some pretty cool results after working together, things like doubled shop conversions, booked-out services in weeks, and increased monthly revenue, among other cheer-worthy celebrations.

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