The Power of Ecommerce with a Showit Website


Isn’t it amazing how the digital workspace keeps evolving? Just the other day, I was thinking about how ecommerce has transformed the way we creatives do business. 

And that’s precisely what I want to chat about today: the potential of integration ecommerce on a Showit website!

A Showit Site Shop Might Feel Like Home

For most of you reading this, you might already have a Showit site (high 5!) but in case you’re wondering “Wait, what is Showit?” — this is your new BFF, a codeless website builder that feels like any familiar Adobe or Canva project where you’re “open to do whatever you want”.

That’s what Showit websites offer. 

It’s like having a space that’s uniquely yours, reflecting every shade of your creativity because you can actually modify everything. And sorts build almost anything you imagine (I love pushing boundaries!).

And the best part? With Showit’s pricing, especially if you snag a Showit discount code (mine is PENGUIN and it gets you your first month free on top of their trial!), it’s like getting a super deal: they are your website builder AND your host (which means they take care of all the backend backups to keep all out sites running smoothly).

Now, I’ve had friends ask about having a full Shopify site (which I love as Shopify Partner) and other platforms like Thrivecart for checkout pages (which don’t need a site to run).

But every time, I find myself coming back to Showit with a shop integration. 

Why? Because a Showit site feels personal. It’s not just another template based software (although there are some gorgeous ones out there!); it’s so flexible that you can have a true reflection of your brand, your passion, and your story.

Your Shop, Your Rules

I remember when one of my mentees wanted to set up her online store and was juggling options, trying to figure out the best platform fo her needs. We went over Showit ecommerce since her site was already built and the different options based on her audience, her offers… and it was like watching her vision come alive!

It goes beyond picking the tech (which I will expand on in a moment).

It’s not just about selling products. It’s about creating an experience. 

Whether you’re thinking of integrating Thrivecart, Shopify or Woocommerce, it’s all about crafting a journey that resonates with your audience.

A cohesive brand journey, from the front page to the shop and product pages, can make all the difference. 

The Psychology of Cohesiveness and Conversions

Did you know that our brains love consistency? A study revealed that when faced with inconsistency, our brains experience discomfort. This is known as cognitive dissonance. 

In the ecommerce world, this translates to a potential customer feeling uneasy when there’s a disconnect between the brand’s main site and its shop.

By ensuring a cohesive brand experience, you’re not just making your site aesthetically pleasing; you’re tapping into the very psychology of your visitors. 

When every element, from color schemes to typography, tells the same brand story no matter what page they are on, visitors are more likely to trust the brand. 

And trust is the foundation of conversions.

Consistency is key. Craft a shopping journey that not only resonates with your audience but also provides them with a seamless, trustworthy experience.

A cohesive brand journey is not just a “nice to have”; it’s a strategic move towards better conversions and more sales.

Tech Options for Adding a Shop to Showit

When it comes to setting up the technical side of a shop on your Showit website, there’s no one-size-fits-all. 

The beauty of Showit is its flexibility, allowing you to choose the ecommerce path that aligns best with your brand and business needs. 

Here are some of the popular options:


Often hailed as one of the most customizable e-commerce platforms, Woocommerce seamlessly integrates with Showit. (I’m biased because I love it but it’s true!)

Especially if you’re already familiar with the WordPress blog area, integrating Showit Woocommerce can be a great solution for you.

It’s perfect for those who want a full-fledged shop with extensive features, from inventory management to advanced checkout options.


If you’re looking for a robust yet straightforward checkout solution (not an “add to cart” — this is straight up, checkout!), Thrivecart might be your best bet.

When weighing Thrivecart vs Shopify or Thrivecart vs Woocommerce, consider the simplicity of its checkout process and its powerful affiliate management system (yep, all inside!).

Embedding Thrivecart into your Showit site can help streamline the buying process for your customers when you are selling high-ticket items, courses, programs, or other big “check out now” kind of offers. So no actual “cart” exists on the page, each product is purchases individually.

Shopify Starter Embedded Buttons: 

Not ready for a full-blown shop? No worries! With Shopify Starter, you can embed buy buttons directly into your Showit site.

It’s a fantastic option for those just starting out or those with a limited product range.

Plus, it offers the reliability and security of the Shopify platform without the need for a complete store setup. This one is most definitely the simplest and friendliest cart option. 


If you’re in the digital product space, SendOwl can be what you’re looking for. From e-books to online courses, SendOwl makes selling digital products on your Showit site quite easy, since just like with the Shopify Starter buttons, you simply add the SendOwl code in an embed box and you’re set to go.

It has add-on features like license keys and affiliate management, so it’s definitely worth a peek for digital creators.

The choice of platform should resonate with your brand’s ethos and your business goals. 

Whether you’re leaning towards the comprehensive features of Woocommerce, the simplicity of Shopify Starter buttons, the digital product focus of SendOwl, or the streamlined checkout process of Thrivecart, aaaaaalways prioritize your audience’s experience! 

After all, a happy customer is a returning customer!

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Walking in Your Customer’s Shoes

Every website I craft, I always take a moment to step into the shoes of the visitor. 

What would captivate me?

What would make me explore more?

What would make me happy to spend more?

With Showit, we have the tools to craft that perfect website funnel (aka customer journey!)

From the shop landing page design to the checkout, it’s about making your audience feel valued and understood.

Give them what they need (and want!) at their fingertips.

Here’s a little designer insight: It’s not just about aesthetics (gasp!). It’s about having the right offers and weaving intentional selling points on every page.

When you understand your audience’s desires and pain points, you can tailor your Showit WordPress blog or shop to resonate deeply, creating a connection that goes beyond a simple transaction (this is what makes a loyal customer!!). 

For real, having a shop is more than just having a page with a collection of your products.

I’ve always believed that a beautiful website is just the beginning (it’s a given, right?). 

The real magic happens when you add in elements of brand psychology.

It’s about creating a narrative, a story that your audience can connect with. Think about how your offers fit into your customers’ needs: Why are they here? Why do they need to buy right now?

This is of course a brief overview but such an important one for when you are building your shop that will help you bring in more sales. 

Let’s Wrap This Up, Shall We?

Ecommerce with a Showit website is more than just a trend; it’s the next level of passive income for so many of us. I’ve been a Showit user since 2013 and a certified Design Partner since 2018 and I can tell you: this is an amazingly flexible platform that can grow with you.

It’s about blending creativity with commerce, and passion with profitability. 

The synergy between Showit and WordPress means to us that the design possibilities are endless (or at least pretty dang amazing).

And before I sign off, here’s a little invitation:

Dive deeper into this ecommerce journey with my Showit & Woocommerce Unleashed course. Let me show you how fast and easy you can create your own shop inside your site.


Unlock The Power Of Showit And Woocommerce With This Easy-To-Follow Course!

Start earning serious passive income and enjoy unlimited growth potential. Get ready to take advantage of the automated integration. Showit x Woocommerce 101 will give you the tools and resources you need to launch your shop asap.

filed under:

Business, Ecommerce, Showit, Web Design


I'm Ingrid, welcome!  I'm a branding designer + Showit Design Partner, doggy mamma, and tea drinker.

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Ready to turn your website into a powerhouse lead generator even on a saturated market? 

My free guide, "5 High Converting Website Tricks", gives you key strategies to create a website that showcases your brand, attracts your ideal clients, and is ready to convert them into paying customers. 

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Hi I’m Ingrid

I design strategy-led brands and Showit websites that confidently represent you.

I’m a designer with a magic touch for monetizing websites. I’m also a tea-lover, dog momma, Ravenclaw, INFP and 2w3 (for all you personality-test nerds like me). 

I’ve also been called a Showit website expert (been with them since 2013), and a sucker for understanding customer journeys, brand psychology, and consumer and sales psychology. My clients have some pretty cool results after working together, things like doubled shop conversions, booked-out services in weeks, and increased monthly revenue, among other cheer-worthy celebrations.

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