Why Your Email List Needs a Quiz (And How to Create One That Actually Converts)

Email Marketing

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Let’s be honest – another PDF guide probably isn’t going to cut it anymore.

You know the drill. You spend hours creating the perfect freebie, design a gorgeous cover in Canva, write compelling copy… and then crickets.

I get it! As someone who’s worked with countless coaches and creatives, I’ve seen this story play out way too many times. 

But in all honesty — your audience isn’t suffering from a lack of information… 

They’re craving something different: personal, interactive experiences that give them real insights.

THAT is exactly why quizzes are becoming the new gold standard for growing your email list.

Instead of offering yet another PDF that sits unread in someone’s downloads folder, you’re giving your audience an engaging experience that feels personal, delivers genuine value, and naturally guides them to your offers.

A well-designed quiz does more than just collect email addresses, it truly helps you understand your subscribers from day one, so you can send them exactly what they need (hello, better conversions!).

In this article, I’m breaking down everything you need to know about creating a quiz that actually converts. 

You’ll learn:

  • Why quizzes outperform traditional lead magnets (with real numbers!)
  • The 5 essential elements every high-converting quiz need
  • How to create a quiz strategy that aligns with your business goal
  • Common mistakes to avoid (and what to do instead
  • A step-by-step implementation guide to get your quiz up and running

Why Quizzes Work Better Than Traditional Lead Magnets

Okay, I’m going to share something that might hurt a little: that beautiful 20-page PDF guide you spent weeks perfecting? 

It’s probably sitting unread in hundreds of download folders right now. (I know, I’ve been there too!)

Here’s why quizzes are different—and why they’re absolutely crushing it as lead magnets:

The Psychology Factor:

We’re all a little obsessed with learning about ourselves (hello, personality tests!).

There’s something irresistible about personalized insights that make people feel understood and valued.

While a PDF or static download is a one-way conversation, a quiz creates an engaging, interactive experience that feels tailored to each person.

And the data proves their power:

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Quizzes have an average conversion rate of 40.1%, significantly higher than the typical 3–10% for traditional lead magnets like PDFs or webinars. (Sources:  Interact ScoreApp)
  • Increased Sharing: The average quiz is shared nearly 2,000 times, highlighting their potential for virality. (Source: LeadQuizzes)
  • Enhanced Engagement: On average, participants spend nearly 4 minutes (3 minutes and 56 seconds) completing a quiz, which is invaluable for building connections and trust with your audience. (Source: riddle.com )

Why This Matters for Coaches & Creatives

If you’re anything like my clients, you’re probably thinking, “But will this work for MY business?”

Short answer: Yes!

Quizzes are particularly powerful for coaches and creative entrepreneurs because:

  1. They Pre-Qualify Your Leads 

Instead of attracting just anyone who wants a freebie, your quiz can help identify who’s the perfect fit for your offers. It’s like having a conversation with every single person who visits your website!

  1. They Do Double Duty 

Not only do quizzes grow your list, but they also segment your audience automatically. Think about it, every answer your quiz takers select gives you valuable information about their needs, challenges, and where they are in their journey.

  1. They Create Instant Connection 

When someone gets their quiz results, they feel understood. And when people feel understood, they’re more likely to trust your expertise and consider your paid offers.

The Secret Sauce: List Growth + Segmentation

Here’s where quizzes really shine: they help you understand exactly who those people are and what they need.

Let’s say you’re a business coach. 

Your quiz could help people identify their biggest business bottleneck. Based on their results, you can:

  • Send targeted welcome emails that address their specific challenges
  • Recommend relevant products or services
  • Share case studies of similar clients you’ve helped
  • Nurture them with content that actually matters to them

This level of personalization is nearly impossible with a traditional PDF lead magnet. 

Plus, your quiz takers are actively telling you what they need, no mind reading required!

The 5 Must-Have Elements of a High-Converting Quiz

Let’s face it – not all quizzes are created equal. I’ve seen plenty that fall flat (and some that absolutely shine). 

Here are the five key elements that make the difference between a quiz that converts and one that collects dust:

1. A Title That Makes Them Stop Scrolling

Your quiz title needs to grab attention and speak directly to what your ideal clients want. Think less “What’s Your Marketing Style?” and more “Why Aren’t Your Instagram Posts Converting? (Find Out in 60 Seconds)”

Some proven title formats that work:

  • What’s Your [Relevant Topic] Style?
  • Why Is Your [Pain Point] Stuck?
  • What’s Holding Your [Business/Goal] Back?
  • Which [Desirable Outcome] Strategy Is Right for You?

2. Questions That Feel Like a Conversation

Your quiz questions shouldn’t feel like a pop quiz from high school. Ew.

They should feel like sitting down for coffee with a friend who really gets it.

Here’s what makes quiz questions convert:

  • Keep them conversational (like you’re chatting with a client)
  • Mix up your question types to keep things interesting
  • Make sure each question gives you valuable info about your quiz taker
  • Limit yourself to 5-10 questions (people get antsy after that!)

3. Results That Provide Real Value

This is where so many quizzes miss the mark! Your results need to give actionable insights that make your quiz takers think “wow, this person really knows their stuff!”

Your results should include:

  • A clear explanation of what their result means
  • Specific action steps they can take right now
  • Common challenges they might face
  • How you can help them get even better results

An Opt-in That Makes Perfect Sense

The key here? Your opt-in offer should feel like the natural next step after getting their results. 

If someone’s just discovered their brand voice type, they’re probably interested in a guide about using that voice effectively.

Make your opt-in:

  • Directly related to their quiz result
  • Valuable enough to stand alone
  • Easy to implement
  • A bridge to your paid offers

Crystal Clear Next Steps

Never ever leave your quiz takers wondering “okay… now what?” 

Every result should guide them toward a specific action, whether that’s:

  • Joining your email list for more insights
  • Booking a discovery call
  • Checking out a relevant blog post
  • Learning about your services
  • Following you on social media

I always create my quiz results pages in Showit (check out my template if you want to save some time!).

It gives you so much more flexibility to design something that really wows your quiz takers and guides them to that next step.

Creating Your Quiz Strategy

Here’s something I see all the time: people jump straight into writing quiz questions without having a clear strategy. (And then wonder why their quiz isn’t converting!)

Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you. 

Here’s how to create a quiz strategy that actually drives results:

Start With Your End Goal

Before you write a single question:

Get crystal clear on what you want your quiz to achieve:

Growing your email list?

Promoting a specific offer?

Segmenting your audience?

Pre-qualifying potential clients?

Your goal will shape everything from your questions to your results pages. (Trust me, this clarity will make the whole process so much easier!)

Choose Your Quiz Type

There are three main types of quizzes that work really well for coaches and creatives:

  1. Assessment Quiz – Perfect for: Helping people identify gaps or areas for improvement Example: “What’s Holding Your Website Back From Converting?”
  1. Personality Quiz – Perfect for: Categorizing people into different groups or styles Example: “What’s Your Brand Voice Style?”
  1. Discovery Quiz – Perfect for: Helping people choose the right solution or service Example: “What Type of Website Support Do You Need?”

Map Your Customer Journey!

This is where strategy meets conversion! I cannot stress this enough!! 

Your quiz should naturally but intentionally guide people toward your offers.

Think about:

  • Where are your quiz takers in their journey?
  • What do they need to know/believe before working with you?
  • Which of your offers would help them most?
  • What content will nurture them toward that offer?

Plan Your Email Follow-Up

Your quiz results email shouldn’t be the end of the conversation! This is the whole reason we wanted to engage them!!

Plan a sequence that:

  • Delivers their results in a way that builds trust
  • Provides extra value based on their quiz answers
  • Introduces them to your expertise
  • Naturally leads to your paid offers

I recommend at least 3-5 emails in your initial welcome sequence. This helps build the relationship while their interest is high!

Integrate With Your Existing Offers

Your quiz shouldn’t exist in a silo – it should seamlessly connect to your broader business strategy:

  • Link quiz results to relevant blog posts
  • Reference your services where they make sense
  • Use quiz data to improve your other content
  • Create specific offers based on common quiz results

Make It Easy to Share

A strategic quiz can spread like wildfire if you make it easy to share. Consider doing some small but mighty additions like:

  • Adding social sharing buttons to result pages
  • Creating graphics with quiz results for social media
  • Encouraging people to share their results
  • Using your results as content on your platforms

The goal isn’t just to create a quiz and just posted into the void but to create a strategic tool that grows your business! We are all about those moneymaking moves here!!

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Common Quiz Mistakes to Avoid

Alright friend, let’s talk about what NOT to do. 

After creating countless quizzes (and fixing quite a few that weren’t converting), I’ve seen these mistakes pop up again and again.

Making It WAY Too Long

You might be tempted to ask ALL the questions… but here’s the truth: people get quiz fatigue fast.

What to do instead:

  • Stick to 5-10 questions max
  • Focus on questions that give you valuable info
  • Remove any questions that don’t serve your end goal
  • Keep your results concise and actionable

Not Providing Enough Value

This is a big one! If your quiz feels surface-level or generic, people won’t trust your paid offers either.

How to fix it:

  • Make your results specific and detailed
  • Include actionable tips they can implement right away
  • Connect their results to their bigger goals
  • Show them you understand their challenges

Forgetting About the Follow-Up

Cue the tears… So many people miss this crucial step.

What good follow-up looks like:

  • Send their results immediately
  • Plan a welcome sequence that builds on their quiz answers
  • Share relevant content based on their results
  • Make personal connections to your services

Missing Segmentation Opportunities

Every quiz answer is valuable data about your subscribers. Not using this info is like leaving money on the table!

Smart segmentation strategies:

  • Tag subscribers based on their answers
  • Create targeted content for each segment
  • Customize your offers based on quiz results
  • Use segments to improve your marketing

Poor Mobile Experience

Most people will take your quiz on their phones. If it’s not mobile-friendly, you’re losing potential subscribers.

Mobile optimization tips:

  • Test your quiz on multiple devices
  • Keep answer options short and clear
  • Use mobile-friendly images
  • Make buttons easy to tap
  • Ensure your opt-in form works perfectly on mobile

Going Too Broad

A quiz that tries to help everyone usually ends up helping no one. (Harsh but true!)

The solution:

  • Focus on a specific problem your ideal clients face
  • Use language that resonates with your target audience
  • Create results that align with your expertise
  • Connect results to your specific solutions

Having Confusing Next Steps

Don’t leave your quiz takers hanging! They should always know exactly what to do next.

How to guide them:

  • Include clear calls to action
  • Link to relevant resources
  • Make your offers visible
  • Provide a clear path forward

Always test your quiz yourself before launching! 

Take it multiple times, try different answers, and make sure everything flows smoothly. 

Your Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

Now that you know what makes a quiz convert (and what mistakes to avoid), let’s get into the practical stuff! 

So I’m about to get all nerdy with you. Cool? Cool.

Here’s your roadmap to creating a quiz that grows your list and drives results.

Choosing Your Quiz Platform

Let me make this super simple: go with Interact. It’s the one I recommend to all my clients. 

Here’s why:

  • Super easy to use (no tech headaches!)
  • Loads of customization options
  • Great integration options
  • Beautiful built-in templates
  • Solid analytics to track performance

Pro tip: Their new AI Quiz Creator makes the whole process even faster. I’ll show you exactly how it works in the video below!!

Writing Your Questions

Start with these steps:

  1. Write your end results first (trust me on this!)
  2. Create questions that help sort people into those result categories
  3. Include a mix of multiple choice and single-answer questions
  4. Keep your questions conversational and engaging

Question Writing Must-Do:

  • Start with easier questions to build momentum
  • Make sure every question serves a purpose
  • Use your audience’s language
  • Keep answer options clear and distinct

Setting Up Results Pages

This is where your quiz really shines! Your results page needs to wow your quiz takers and guide them to that next step.

Essential elements for every results page:

  • Clear, positive title
  • Personalized explanation of their result
  • Specific action steps they can take
  • Natural connection to your offers
  • Clear call to action

Want to save time? My Showit quiz template includes beautiful, conversion-focused result pages that you can customize in minutes! But let me show you this Interact Ai quiz builder, it’s in depth step by step so feel free to come back to it!

Creating the Opt-in Page

Your opt-in page is the bridge between curiosity and conversion. 

Here’s how to nail it:

  • Keep the form simple (just name and email)
  • Explain the value they’ll get
  • Make it mobile-friendly
  • Include a compelling reason to subscribe

Testing and Optimization

Before you hit publish:

  1. Take the quiz yourself (multiple times!)
  2. Test all possible result combinations
  3. Check your email automation
  4. Preview on different devices
  5. Have a friend test it out

Pro Tips for Better Results:

  • A/B test your quiz title
  • Track which questions people drop off at
  • Monitor your most common results
  • Keep an eye on conversion rates
  • Adjust based on feedback

Your quiz doesn’t have to be perfect before you launch. You can always optimize based on real data!

After the Quiz: Making the Most of Your New Subscribers

Alright, you’ve got your quiz up and running, and those subscribers are rolling in. 

Now what?

The real magic happens in your email follow-up. This is where you turn quiz takers into potential clients and customers!

But rather than give you a quick overview, I want you to have my complete email marketing strategy. 

I’ve put together a detailed guide that covers everything you need to know about nurturing your new subscribers: “6 Proven Email Marketing Frameworks for Service Providers.”

You’ll learn:

  • How to create a welcome sequence that converts
  • Subject line formulas that get your emails opened
  • My SHINE framework for sharing client success stories
  • Value-first newsletter templates
  • Re-engagement campaigns that work
  • Service spotlight sequences that sell

Plus, you’ll get practical templates, swipe email copy templates, and frameworks you can use right away!

For now, let’s wrap up everything we’ve covered about creating your converting quiz…

Ready to Create Your Converting Quiz?

Let’s make this super easy for you to implement. Here are your next steps:

  1. Start With the Right Tools
  • Sign up for Interact (it’s what I use and recommend to all my clients!)
  • Grab my Showit quiz template to save hours of design time
  • Check out my email marketing guide to nail your follow-up strategy
  1. Map Out Your Quiz
  • Choose your quiz type
  • Write out your results
  • Plan your questions
  • Design your results pages
  1. Set Up and Launch
  • Create your quiz in Interact
  • Connect your email platform
  • Test everything
  • Share it with your audience!

Need Some Extra Help?

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed (totally normal!), I’ve got you covered:

Want to save time? My Showit quiz template gives you beautiful, conversion-optimized quiz result pages ready to go. Just customize the colors and content to match your brand!

Need the complete email strategy? Read (and bookmark to come back to) my “6 Proven Email Marketing Frameworks” guide to make sure your quiz leads turn into clients.

Want personalized support? Book a Design Support Day and we can create your entire quiz together!

Your audience is waiting for an engaging way to connect with you.

 A strategic quiz could be exactly what your business needs to grow your list and attract more of your ideal clients.

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I'm Ingrid, welcome!  I'm a branding designer + Showit Design Partner, doggy mamma, and tea drinker.

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P.S. Found value in this post? You can always drop a little something in my treat jar — this goes toward treats for my pup (yes, Yui loves it) and fueling more great content! 💜

Ready to turn your website into a powerhouse lead generator even on a saturated market? 

My free guide, "5 High Converting Website Tricks", gives you key strategies to create a website that showcases your brand, attracts your ideal clients, and is ready to convert them into paying customers. 

Download now for free!

Hi I’m Ingrid

I design strategy-led brands and Showit websites that confidently represent you.

I’m a designer with a magic touch for monetizing websites. I’m also a tea-lover, dog momma, Ravenclaw, INFP and 2w3 (for all you personality-test nerds like me). 

I’ve also been called a Showit website expert (been with them since 2013), and a sucker for understanding customer journeys, brand psychology, and consumer and sales psychology. My clients have some pretty cool results after working together, things like doubled shop conversions, booked-out services in weeks, and increased monthly revenue, among other cheer-worthy celebrations.

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