
I’m going to make
you so proud

As much of a sweet-tooth as I am, I don’t believe in cookie-cutter designs, strategies, or anything really (just for baking).

Hi new friend, I'm Ingrid.

After an 8-year-long career in live sports TV (which was pretty much a men’s club), it was like I was a seed planted in rocky soil, struggling to grow and flourish.

Sure, it was a lovely way to travel the world, but I had to work twice as hard just to prove my worth.

I refused to play small or be underestimated. I was determined to show what I was made of.

And boy, did I ever! (Long story short, I had several calls asking me to come back after I decided to leave).

Fast-forward to 2016. I went all in on my business (which started as a side gig to the TV gig circa 2013) and realized that my true gift is to help founders grow their businesses. I wanted to empower them to confidently show up and take the world by storm.

It’s like being a fairy godmother, except instead of a glass slipper, I give them the tools to slay the business world. 👩🏻‍💻

So now, as an introverted creative solopreneur, I spend my days finding dog hair in my clothes, strolling down Main Street with my husband and a churro, and helping other women unleash their best brand yet.

Think of me like Rafiki from The Lion King, but instead of holding up a cute baby lion, I’m holding up a kickass female entrepreneur.

And let me tell you, there’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing a woman succeed and knowing that I played a part in her journey.

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level with a professional hand, let's work together.

Since 2018

If this was A 90’s zine quiz…

are we about to
become friends??

A)      Tea (chai, matcha, London fog, herbal blends…)

B)      Coffee (sweet and creamy)

C)      Other: 

Caffeinated drink of choice

Both! But tea is my go-to

We love them all but you gravitated to… 

Favorite Spice Girl

Sporty spice & Baby spice

A)      Like a Hallmark special

B)      Full of blood and jump scares

C)      Fantasy driven with mythical worlds

Movie night marathon is looking…

(Can watch scary stuff but early in the day!!)

A)      Have all the romantic affairs

B)      Include historical dramas

C)      Are full of autobiographies 

Books that take over your shelves

A)      Cats! Toe beans for days.

B)      Dogs! Can’t get over the puppy eyes.

C)      Furry? Give me scales and hisses

Your furry companion love falls to

Love all animals but I’m definitely a dog person.

Imagine sipping on success with a website that’s as refreshing as your favorite tea (or coffee, no judgment here)  while increasing your revenue and standing out in your market.

I think we should chat over a cuppa

I get it, really.

As a one-woman show, I understand the importance of having a custom brand and web design that reflects your unique business and personality.

That’s why I take a completely unique approach for each of my clients, creating your perfect blend of brand flavors to ensure your website not only looks great but also converts visitors into paying customers.

My 7-week process is designed to be strategy-led, meaning I don’t just create a pretty website, I create money-making websites that deliver results.

I’ll work closely with you to understand your target audience, brand message, and business goals, then use my expertise to craft a website that speaks directly to your ideal customer and convinces them to take action.

I’ll help you create a website that’s not only visually stunning but also helps you grow your revenue opening the doors to increasing your prices, launching a shop, or creating a membership to monetize your knowledge.

As your partner in success, I’m here to help you do just that.

Let’s create a website that’s as unique and awesome as your business. Schedule a consultation and let’s chat.

I’ll start the kettle.

Yes, let’s chat

Education + resources

For small business success

Articles, videos, podcast... the whole shebang!

The Blog — Free education on different entrepreneurial topics for well-rounded growth when you’re DYI-ing it.

Mentoring — Ever wanted to have an expert explain Showit, shop building, or even consult on your new membership? This is it.

The Courses — Follow along step by step (videos are my love language). It’s like I’m there with you, but at your pace.

See them all

looking for something?

grab it!